It has been quiet on my blog. So much happened. So much to do.
In the Post-COVID19-Era things have changed considerably. Curaçao is getting more and more popular. All inclusive resorts have popped up along the shores. Corendon being the largest. Not only hotels and bungalows have been built. Corendon is also flying from Amsterdam to Curaçao several times per week. This means that even more people can find their way to our beautiful island. Sometimes this means that the beaches are quite crowded, but fortunately most of the time you can still enjoy our pristine beaches without having to step over hundreds of people.
People still know how to find their way to my apartments. And in return I am doing my utmost to make it worth their while. I have been building, painting, repairing, gardening. New curtains, new bedlinen, new relax chairs at the pool. Even a new BBQ!
Purple Moon has had a total makeover in 2023. New roof, new ceiling, new colors 🙂
If you are wondering….. all my sweet pets are okay. We had to say goodbye to Tina. She lived to be 15 years and we still miss her. 🙁 But now Lola, Pom and Kaatje guard the premises as best as they can. Victoria guards the wifi 😉 And all my turtles entertain guests of all ages. Nobody seems to be too young or too old to wander of into the garden to look for Stoffel, Toffee and their offspring.
Currently a new website is being built. Although my ‘old’ website found it’s way to many households, it is time for something new and modern. Times change, you have to tag along. However, Rian Apartments will remain homey and easy going. The many return guests (meanwhile good friends) will find the same vibe and feeling they have come to love. And hopefully new and wonderful people will find my new website (starting 2025) and also become return guests and friends.
See you in 2025!