Rian Apartments resides in beautiful, tranquil, Julianadorp. Close to Willemstad and close to the road to the rural part of Curaçao; Band’abou and Westpoint.
Only a 5 minute walk from our apartments we have a beautiful nature reserve, the estates of the ‘landhouses’ “Groot St. Michiel” and “Wechi”. If you like to hike, this is the place to be.
Yesterday’s hike took us to the top of the “Julianadorp Mountain”. A relatively short walk, 20 minutes, with a breathtaking view. Of course we took our dogs with us, our 2 lovely pups Lola and Pom and their best friend Floortje. 🙂
Once at the top we made our way to the look out point to St. Michiels Baai (St. Michael’s Bay) and sat down on the strategically placed bench there to watch the sun set. Our dogs went half way down hill to do some digging and investigating as we awaited the overwhelming beauty soon to happen.
The sun sets real fast on Curaçao. Once it starts descending it’s gone within 15 minutes. A blink of the eye can make you miss the grand finale.
Even after living for 17 years on this beautiful island, the sunsets can still make me gasp!
On our way back to the downhill trail we enjoyed a last view on Willemstad. When you look closely you can spot the famous Julianabridge way in the back.
And of course our guests are always welcome to come along!